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Santa Clauses of the World

Nina Dinh

With the winter season right around the corner, conversations naturally turn to Christmas, gift-giving, seasonal foods, and cherished festive traditions. The idea of Santa Claus and Christmas traditions have become an annual custom that is looked forward to in many families and cultures. For most Americans—approximately 85%—the image of Santa Claus is synonymous with a jolly, white-bearded man in a red-and-white suit, with a penchant for cookies.

In western culture, this legendary figure goes by the name of Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas. Every year, Santa Claus and his values are embraced by more than two billion people in over 160 countries. According to tradition, Santa Claus delivers gifts during the late evening and overnight hours on Christmas Eve. Santa Claus is generally depicted as a cheerful, white-bearded man wearing a red coat, trousers, and hat, trimmed with white-fur, a black leather belt and boots. He is often seen carrying a bag full of gifts for children.

Many people have a personal perspective on the magic of Santa Claus. 10th grader Mika Tobin shared her own experiences and reflections on how this cherished figure has influenced her holidays. Tobin expresses, “I feel like Santa Claus contributes so much to the holidays because his presence makes you feel so jolly and festive – like the Santa trackers from when you were younger was such a fun and exciting tradition or the act of baking cookies for Santa during the Christmas season.” Tobin’s memories highlight the enduring charm of Santa Claus and how his traditions create a sense of joy and togetherness, making him a beloved symbol of the magic and excitement that define the holiday spirit.

There are many popular traditions associated with this Santa Claus. For example, children leave freshly baked cookies and milk out for Santa on Christmas Eve in the hopes that he will eat them when dropping off the presents. In some households, children also leave carrots for Santa's reindeer, symbolizing appreciation for their hard work pulling the sleigh. His legend includes magical flying reindeer that guide his sleigh through the night sky, and a bustling workshop at the North Pole, staffed by cheerful Christmas elves who craft toys and gifts throughout the year.

Photo Credit: Christmas Wiki
Photo Credit: Christmas Wiki

While these modern traditions delight children worldwide, the 4th-century Greek bishop Saint Nicholas has many similarities with the modern Santa Claus. For example, he is known for his noble acts of charity to those in need, especially children. This includes leaving anonymous gifts or paying off debts to bring joy and relief. His legacy and kind acts are known across Europe, spreading joy during the wintertime.

Later, Saint Nicholas transformed into our modern-day Santa Claus, a symbol of the holiday spirit who continues to inspire wonder, generosity and a sense of cheer during the holidays.

Photo Credit: The Korean Way
Photo Credit: The Korean Way

Santa Claus is not only a highly celebrated figure in the U.S, but also in many other countries in South Korean culture, Santa is known as Santa Haraboji or Santa Kullusu, which means “Grandpa Santa.” This Santa is typically clothed in green robes, as opposed to the traditional red. He also wears a different style hat, known as a “gat”, which is a tall hat usually worn by nobles during the 13th century. Instead of climbing down chimneys and leaving gifts for families, he can be seen giving gifts at public events.

In Norway, Santa Claus is not a common Christmas figure, that honor goes to Julenisse. Julenisse is typically pictured alongside his side-kick, the Nisse. In Scandinavian folklore, a Nisse is a short gnome-like creature, usually less than four feet tall, with a long white beard. The Nisse have many unique characteristics such as their red pointed hats, love for animals, and love for practical jokes. Similar to the cookies and milk tradition in western culture, the Nisse asks for a bowl of porridge and a glass of glogg (a popular Christmas drink in Scandinavian countries) on Christmas night. 

One interesting contrast between the western Santa Claus and Julenisse is that Julenisse is known to live in the forest, field, or a nearby stream, rather than retreating to the North Pole. He also does not slide down the chimney on Christmas eve, but instead comes through the front door, delivering the presents directly to families. 

Photo Credit: MariaSaracino's Blog
Photo Credit: MariaSaracino's Blog

The story of Santa Claus is not only about a single figure or tradition. Instead, it is a powerful image of how diverse cultures celebrate the kindness, spirit, and joy of the holiday season. From the iconic bustling workshops of the North Pole to the porridge-loving Nisse of Norway, and the green-robed Santa of South Korea, these varied figures and traditions characterize the wonder and magic of the holiday season. Santa Claus, in all his forms, reminds us of the importance of generosity and gratitude.


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