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Senior Spotlight: Victoria Darko

Sylvia Yao

To some, becoming a prefect is too big of a responsibility, but Victoria Darko is handling this huge responsibility in order to help others, despite the difficulties of managing being perfect and the other responsibilities of being a senior. For example, applying to colleges in the fall, AP courses that require a lot of time, and extracurriculars. Although it is difficult, she is taking on this challenge and helping to make the most memorable year for the freshman girls at Barrows. 

Darko is a senior from Ghana, Africa who joined the community in sophomore year. She participates in soccer and track, which she especially enjoys. Alongside the extracurricular activities Darko participates in, she is also the head prefect of Barrows dorm, an all-girls freshman dorm. Darko comments that the main reason for becoming a prefect was because in her sophomore year, Darko was new to the school while most joined in freshman year. She states, “the prefects were a huge help, and I hope to be able to do the same for the freshman boarders this year.” 

It must be acknowledged that being a prefect is not easy, it is a huge responsibility that she must handle alongside it being her senior year. In order to manage her responsibilities, Darko has a few important qualities she feels are important to succeed:

Accountability is really important, and just making sure I am not procrastinating because I know that is not beneficial to me.

Furthermore on completing tasks, Darko highlights,

Utilizing the time I have and prioritizing what needs to get done helps me manage all the things I have to do.

These qualities that Darko embodies, also helped her to succeed at being an amazing prefect. She is always considerate of other people, and as a prefect she is always working to make the best experience for the girls at Barrows. During study hall, Darko is always coming to check on the girls and making sure they are getting the help they need. Furthermore, she is always willing to talk to students to help them out on a difficult day. When asking the girls at Barrows, they said she is amazing, helpful, kind, and considerate. Everyone at Barrows agrees she is a wonderful prefect and that Barrows is so fortunate to have someone like Darko. 

On another note, it is her senior year and she is living with all freshman girls, while the other seniors are living together in their dorms, enjoying their last year all together. What does it feel like? Darko explains that, “Honestly, it's not bad being here, because it's like having a whole bunch of new little sisters. It's really fun just being able to mentor people and, like, helping them out and everything.” She is truly always thinking of helping others. 

Furthermore, when asked why she chose Stevenson, Darko says, “I first chose Stevenson because I wanted to learn how to live by myself, take on responsibilities, and still be close to family and friends who lived nearby.” Now it is Darko’s last year, and she contributes everyday as a prefect, track captain, and just helping out people on a daily basis.

Everyday she makes sure the girls at Barrows know their schedules, where everything is, and asks if they are doing alright. She helps them get used to the homework load, and helps whenever necessary. As a track captain she displays her leadership skills, and her willingness to help others. Furthermore, she babysits often, and everyone enjoys the joyful and bright company she brings. The community that welcomed Darko when she first arrived at the school, is now benefiting from the contributions she makes everyday to make sure everyone is welcomed and taken care of. 


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